RPIC-ViP Ltd Výstavnà 8 709 00 Ostrava Czech Republic |
Telephone: +420 596 616 794 Mobile: +420 606 748 429 Fax: +420 596 626 917 Email: rpicvip@rpic-vip.cz www.rpic-vip.cz
Bc. Vendula Jasioková
Consultant Email:
jasiokova@rpic-vip.cz Telephone: +420 596 616 796
Responsible for communication with registered teachers and those interested in registering in the project; general information provider.
Ing. Mirka SasĂnováCoordinator Email: sasinova@rpic-vip.cz Telephone: +420 602 291 532 |
Responsible for the organisation of training courses for schools.
Realisation team representatives:
Mgr. Zdeněk Karásek
Managing Director
email: karasek@rpic-vip.cz |
PhDr. Eva Micková
Development Manager
email: mickova@rpic-vip.cz |
Ing. Zuzana Běhalová
Sales & Marketing Manager email: behalova@rpic-vip.cz |